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  • Location: Australia

One-Line Bio

Thoughtful heretic.


I'm a Minister in the Uniting Church in Australia. (The 3rd largest Christian denomination in Australia born from Methodist, Presbyterian and Congregational churches.) I'm married (Suzie) with one 6 year old kid (Airlie).

I live in Sydney, Australia, where I work with ELM (Education for Life and Ministry), the lay education arm of the UCA in New South Wales.

I was born in '63 so call me a late Boomer or early Gen-Xer. Whatever - I'm a post-modern, post-Baptist, post-evangelical, post-liberal theological sort of guy who loves Buffy, the Simpsons and Trek of every variety.


buffy, tolkien, bach, philosophy, theology, ai, trek, j.s. bach, harry harrison, simpsons, sf & f, hofstadter, donaldson, johann sebastian bach, god (bach), god (asimov), god (the other one), my beautiful wife, my adorable daughter